Friday, September 11, 2015

VLOG: Sequoia National Park!

This was like 5 weeks ago.
It's another quick vlog I made!

Here's the link to the youtube video

(just in case people have trouble with the embedded video)

In the museum and stuff, it'd say how after 100 years, they now do controlled fires for the benefit of the forest. but!!! they don't mention how controlled burning was a thing for THOUSANDS of years prior...since the ice age!. From Wikipedia: "Fires, both naturally caused and prescribed, were once part of natural landscapes in many areas. Studies have shown that between the mid Holocene and the 17th century AD, wildland fires annually burned between 45.0% and 87.5% of present-day California's total land, for example. These practices ended in the early 20th century when US fire policies were enacted with the goals of suppressing all fires.[4] Since 1995, the US Forest Service has slowly incorporated burning practices into its forest management policies." It just bugs me when history is erased/rewritten. ok that's all. Enjoy the quick video! :D

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