Friday, August 21, 2015

Honey Belle

Originally, I was just going to post on instagram with my thoughts on the products but then the caption ended up way too long SO, I'm posting my thoughts here! (excuse all my "like"s and "so"s, I'm from LA okkk LOL. valley girl.)

These products are from Honey Belle.

(Reminder: You can click on photos to enlarge them)

What happened was they commented on one of my photos on instagram and I was like ok they just want my business. So I kinda stopped replying to them on my photo. But then they commented on my photo again several hours later after I didn't respond so I was like ...OK I'll check them out. And then I saw they'd be at the 626 Market giving out free samples and I was like FREE SAMPLES?? Who doesn't like free samples LOL.

So I stopped by their booth and tried things and
I really really liked the lip balm in 'kissable lips' and tried them on my boyfriend's lips to make sure it wasn't the placebo effect/me wanting them to work. Like the lip balm really makes your lips supah soft. I tried them on my sister too! and she agreed that it worked really well so I gave her one of mine (I bought 3.. only 2 are pictured because the 3rd one is with my sister. hahaha). There's a honey scented lip balm Honey Belle sells too but I didn't really like the smell. (I have Burt's Bees honey scented lip balm and I don't like that smell either soo yeah.) I'd recommend getting 'kissable lips'!

The body creme in 'Rose' smells so good!! The smell fades after a while though. I think the 'lavender' scent lasted longer because it started out as a stronger scent, but I liked the 'rose' scent better anyway. (Like if I could live life with this as a signature scent, I would; even though it reminds my boyfriend of his mom.......) Anyway, the body creme makes your skin soft like a baby's booty! It's great! I asked what the difference between the creme and lotion is and the creme is a thicker formula. I didn't try out their lotions but yeah their body cremes are perfect. I just wish the rose scent stayed on longer.


I didn't try out the acne relief roller at the booth because I thought that would be weird. LOL. It ended up not working on me but idk I guess it seems to work out with other people. Everyone's skin is different so who knows. Maybe it'd work out for you?
(the part that makes it a "roller" lol)

Overall, this shop is pretty cool. I respect that everything is all natural and handmade. The owner is really nice too. (Thanks for being patient with me and answering all my questions!)

If you live around the 626/LA area, you can probably check them out yourself at their booth at the 626 Night Market. I thiiink they'll be there again at the September night market.

Thanks for reading!

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